Der 'Doppelwumms' für die Windenergienutzung im Lichte von Akzeptanz, Beschleunigung und 'legislativer Effizienz'

Die Lage ist prekär. Krisen sind zum Dauerzustand geworden, Zeit für Resilienz wird immer knapper. Auf die einschneidende Coronakrise folgt die Energiekrise, verursacht durch den völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg Russlands auf die Ukraine, und über allem schwebt seit Jahr(zehnt)en die Klimakrise.

The energy crisis in Europe triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in spring 2022 has shown how vulnerable the German energy industry is, due to its dependence on fossil raw materials. For decades, German governments treated 'Renewables†listlessly.  In the fight against climate change and the energy crisis, the German government has introduced two legislative packages in 2022, which mainly concern the acceleration of the installation of wind power plants and are thereby intended to contribute to making Germany more independent, more resilient, greener and thus more fit for the future. This article is dedicated to the second legislative package, the socalled Actto in crease and accelerate the installation of on shore wind power plants, in short: Wind-on-Land Act ('Wind-an-Land-Gesetzâ€).
The aim of the article is to evaluate the legal regulations on the basis of the legislative efficiency ('legislative Effizienzâ€). To this purpose, the legal modifications will first be presented (II.). This followed by an introduction to the narratives of acceleration and acceptance, which were introduced by the legislator itself, as well as the concept of legislative efficiency (III.). Afterwards, the new law is measured against the narratives of acceleration (IV.) and acceptance (V.) to finally assess its legislative efficiency (VI.).

Prof. Dr. Daniela Winkler, Dr. Marc Zeccola und Kornelius Löffler

Copyright: © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Quelle: Eurup 01/2023 (März 2023)
Seiten: 19
Preis: € 32,00
Autor: Dr. Daniela Winkler
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