Dr. Hubert Baier Senior Advisory Engineer/ GM WhiteLabel-TandemProjects e.U. Europa 946 Besucher auf diesem Profil mobile: +49 (172) 690 6161 Internet: www.wltp.eu | |
Sprachkompetenz: | |
Nationalität: | deutsch |
Schwerpunkte: | economical assessment, waste management, cement production, technical assessment; thermal processes; alternative fuels and raw material; co-processing, pre-treating and tailor made processing of mineral and calorific waste, coaching |
Aktuelle Tätigkeit: | Senior Expert waste sourcing, design of pre-processing, materials handling and co-processing |
Frühere Tätigkeit: | 1989 - 1991 project engineer at Holcim/ CH concerning high early-strength cement, fundamental work for alternative resources in the cement production process (bases to the later known 'BUWAL paper' and 'AFR-concept") 1992 establishment of EnTeCo - Environmental Technology Consulting for applied R+D/ Münster 1995 processing mineral wastes to a quality assured raw meal and correction material for cement clinker production at DEUTAG-remex/ Recklinghausen 1997 - 2003 project manager and head of AFR-department at Dyckerhoff Zement GmbH, becoming 2002 attorney of the Dyckerhoff AG 2003 - 2007 General Managing Director of the ECOWEST/ Ennigerloh, responsible for rehabilitation of the MBT for production of customized RDF 2007 - 2009 partner of neovis/ Münster 2010 - 2013 Senior Expert for Alternative Resources at Polysius AG 2011 - 2013 AFR-Senior Manager for Process + Sales at FuelTrack GmbH (subsidiary of Polysius and Vecoplan) 2013 - 2015 Editor-in-Chief at ZKG International since 2009 Owner of WhiteLabel-TandemProjects - EU, member of the cooperative network since 2015 Partner of WhiteLabel-TandemProjects - US since 2016 join venture with TerraMelhor - Brazil |
Ausbildung: | Education in geology paleontology, geophysics, astronomy and mineralogy at the Westphalian Wilhelm-University/ Münster 1988 diploma in applied mineralogy with "Disturbing influences during the wet scrubber fluegas desulphuration at fossile fired power plants" Additional study at Institut for Building Material and Testing/ Innsbruck (A) 1993 graduation with "Characterisation of pretreated fly ashes from coals fired power plants" Auxiliary study for management and economics |
Patente / Preise: | DE19637848C2 Verfahren zur Verwertung von aluminium- und/oder eisenhaltigen Abfällen DE3831671A1 Wasserfester Gips - Gipszement WO/1993/003834 PROCESSING MOIST GRANULES WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES |
Auszeichnungen / Ehrungen: | 1994 distinguishing the thesis by Federal r.A. of Power Station By-products 2006 BGS e.V. awarded ECOWEST, as one of the first German MBT´s to achieve the quality mark 724 2010 ThyssenKrupp Innovation Award "Energy and Environment" |
Mitgliedschaften: | VDZ working group 'trace elements 'and 'environment '; VDZ/BDZ commission 'environmental compatible utilization of secondary materials ' Chairman the ASA r.A. WG 'SRF and mechanics ' Ministry of Environment, Nature, Agriculture & Consumer: (2005) Guidelines for the energetic utilization of wastes in cement, lime and power stations in North Rhine-Westphalia; (2007) Ecobalance investigation of thermal disposal procedures for combustible waste in North Rhine-Westphalia European standardisation of SRF + German national mirroring panel Quality board of the quality community of secondary fuels and recycling wood r.A. (BGS e.V.) Member of the advisory board in AiF research projects: "Substitution of primary fuels with solid recovered fuels" /University of Weimar "Simulation of mechanical treating facilities" /Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT "Investigations to the description of combustion in SRF power plants and waste incinerators" /Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT Member of the advisory panel for the course of study of international infrastructure management (iIM)/ University of Applied Sciences/ Muenster Member of German Engineers Association (VDI) Member of CReED e.V. |
Internationale Beziehungen: | worldwide |
Berufliche Ideen, Strategien, Überlegungen: | Better to plan 14 days ahead than to revamp a life long! |
Persönliches (Familie, Hobbies, Reisen, etc.): | Alumni der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen, Fachhochschule Steinfurt und Münster, Technischen Universität Clausthal-Zellerfeld. |
Fachbeiträge: | Brazilian waste management and its symbiosis to the cement market (5/2017) Aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme (6/2014) Moderne Zementwerke und strategische Ansätze zur Aufbereitung von Ersatzbrennstoffen - Eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme - (1/2014) Pre-Processing, Handling and Co-Processing of Alternative Fuels in the Cement Industry (9/2011) Erzeugung von Ersatzbrennstoffen für die deutsche Zementindustrie (9/2010) Zwischenlager für heizwertreiche Fraktionen (2/2007) Friend or Foe“ - Mono- contra Mitverbrennung? (5/2006) Ein integratives Modell für den energetischen Einsatz in Müll- und Mitverbrennungsanlagen (5/2006) Produktion und Vertrieb von Ersatzbrennstoffen aus Siedlungs- und Gewerbeabfall - Beispiel EBS-Anlage ECOWEST/ Ennigerloh (2/2006) Erzeugung von Ersatzbrennstoff für den Einsatz in Zement- und Kraftwerken – Die EBS-Anlage in Ennigerloh – (12/2005) Erzeugung von EBS für den Einsatz in Zement- und Kraftwerken - EBS-Anlage Ennigerloh (6/2005) Verwertung von hochkalorischen Abfällen der MBA in der Praxis (4/2005) Sekundärbrennstoffaufbereitung in der Praxis - Die SBS-Anlage Ennigerloh (4/2004) |
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