Optimised Handling of Commercial Waste

For many elements of commercial waste, recycling the material brings on advantages from an ecological point of view. This also goes for plastics – especially when they can be used as recycled granules, thus able to be used as an intermediate good in the plastics industry. Plants for sorting and converting commercial waste into fuels should therefore also be able to generate such products in addition to sorting out PVC. In view of the situation on the waste disposal market and the risks involved in constructing substitute fuel power plants, a material-specific disposal of commercial waste could provide an important contribution to overcoming bottlenecks regarding waste disposal.

Since mid-2005, residual waste disposal has changed fundamentally. Due to the prohibition of the disposal of untreated municipal waste on landfills new ways to dispose of residual waste flows had to be found. This especially applies to commercial wastes.

The widely propagated solution of fuel production and its marketing in cement or power plants proved to not work out as hoped, nor can it correspond to the significantly increased amounts of waste.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: MBT 2007 (Mai 2007)
Seiten: 13
Preis: € 6,50
Autor: Dipl.-Geogr. Florian Knappe
Dipl.-Ing. Regine Vogt
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