Influence of physical parameters on dry fermentation of renewable raw materials in packed beds

At present a continuous and trouble-free work in small, decentralised dry fermentation plants using packed beds of renewable raw materials depends on the experience of the operator. In many instances the lack of guidelines leads to inefficiency, incomplete substrate degradation, process disturbances and odour problems.

Parts of that result of disregarding the material and packing attributes. So convincing data like grain size distribution or flow-through behaviour of renewable raw materials are nonexistent till today. In consideration of a competitive situation which is available in the multi phase system „heap“ between gas leaking from the material and process water it is exigent required to examine the influences of physical parameters. Uneconomical and time-consuming experimentation in full-scale plants could be excluded in advance. For this reason tests dealing to this has been carried out. The paper at hand will present the achieved data which allow statements on process duration and the amount of biogas in dependency on the input density as much as on the gas quality. As master data for dry anaerobic digestion processes they represent a basis for implementation.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2006 (September 2006)
Seiten: 5
Preis: € 2,50
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Haupt

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