Factors constraining and promoting the implementation of small-scale composting in West African Countries

The possibility of converting urban wastes or a substantial portion of the latter into organic manures is an adequate way of closing the nutrient cycle by means of natural methods. The extremely high population growth rates registered in West African cities have contributed towards widening of the gap between the production and consumption of food. The increase in urban food demand leads to intensive food production systems in and around cities requiring large amount of inputs, including plant nutrients.

Once the food is consumed or processed in the city, related market and household wastes contribute towards urban pollution and large amounts of nutrients are simply wasted. This leads to a lack of nutrients and humus in the soils, as well as to related problems such as soil degradation and erosion. Composting of the organic fraction of waste and the subsequent application of compost was therefore considered to be a solution in the course of development cooperation projects. However, several efforts made in promoting composting technology turned out to be nonviable due to different reasons. This paper aims to illustrate a summary of factors that might constrain or promote the implementation of small-scale composting based on experience gained to date.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2006 (September 2006)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Roland Linzner
Gudrun Wassermann
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