The shortening and optimisation of the start up stage – a great challenge for anaerobic digestion technology of the future

The technology of the anaerobic digestion as an anaerobic method in recent years has a clear booming that expresses itself in the increasing number of plants in Germany.

There is in the meantime a great number from procedure types, which utilize a broad spectrum at substrates. A comparison under the individual plant types is quite difficult on account of the different waste and the slightly available significant data. The optimisation of process engineering hasn’t yet complete accordingly by far and it exists further considerable requirement of investigation. One of the occurring problem fields refers to the investigation of the possibilities of a shortening of the anaerobic degradation process. The optimisation and control of the start up stage represents a special challenge on account of the complex courses of reaction, in a conditional manner by the great number of microorganisms involved essentially and dependent from each other as well as an abundance of resulting metabolism products. By means of investigations, the possibilities that approve an influencing of the start up stage should be illuminated more closely. Based with the aid of the formation of start up strategies on investigation results would be able to achieve an optimisation and shortening of the anaerobic process what would add for a decisive further development for technology of anaerobic digestion of the future.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: ORBIT 2003 (Mai 2003)
Seiten: 5
Preis: € 2,50
Autor: Nicole Meisgeier
Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Werner Bidlingmaier

Dr. Gerd Meisgeier
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