Fuzzyfying the composting process - a new model based control strategy as a device for achieving high grade and consistent product quality

Successful operation of an aerobic waste treatment plant depends on maintaining optimum conditions for the degrading microorganisms.

A very high number of biological waste treatment plants is equipped with active aeration and some process monitoring offering automatic control possibilities. In practice regulation is commonly carried out by staff - the experts who gathered process experiences. This situation is due to low transparency of automatic control systems, frequent trouble with adaptation to changes in waste composition and the very complex interactions between main process parameters. Therefore not surprising, in most cases plant operation is more effective run by staff than by automatic process control. In the paper the transformation of this expert knowledge into a new automatic model based process controller working with fuzzy logic algorithms will be presented. Derived from a high amount of organic waste composting trials an “Expert system” consisting of a model-based process control was created. Special attention has been paid on a consistent product with constant quality. The variables manipulated by the control unit are airflow and demand after turning and/or moistening. Input parameters to the model are temperature, temperature gradients in the waste matrix, as desired either oxygen- or carbon dioxide concentration in the exhausts and mass flow of air as well as physical of the input material. Transformation of the proposed control strategy will be carried out in the continuing work. It is expected to achieve substantially improvements regarding duration of the procedure, quality of the product, emissions from the plant and cost-effectiveness what meets the current demand on biological waste treatment plants.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: ORBIT 2003 (Mai 2003)
Seiten: 13
Preis: € 6,50
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Scholwin
Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Werner Bidlingmaier
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