Hygienic aspects of exhaust management at composting facilities

There are quite a few options to effectively reduce gaseous emissions at composting facilities depending on the kind of composting system used. Some of the most relevant measures for open and enclosed composting facilities are presented in this article.

Furthermore investigations were made at an enclosed composting facility where biological exhaust air treatment systems were installed. An open biofilter and a technical scale test plant consisting of a bioscrubber/biofilter combination were investigated for their odour degradation efficiency and their potential to reduce airborne microorganisms from gaseous emission streams. The best odour degradation rate was achieved in an enclosed biofilter with screened compost as biofilter media. Microbial emissions could also be reduced but not to environmental background levels. There are indications that microbial emissions from the biofilter have their origin in the biofilter media itself and do not originate from the composting process.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: ORBIT 2003 (Mai 2003)
Seiten: 16
Preis: € 8,00
Autor: Mirko Schlegelmilch
Torsten Herold
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stegmann
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