Lowering heavy metal content in compost with percolation-technology-results of a study on mass and substances at ISKA® - treatment plant in Germany

Presentation of the results of the heavy metal analyses.

In September 2002 the Technical University of Braunschweig carried out a study on mass and substance flow, with particular consideration of salt and heavy metals, at the demonstration plant of ISKA®-Percolation process at Buchen in Germany. One objective of this study was to find out if heavy metal contents in biologically-treated waste can be lowered by the ISKA®- Process. Besides other key parameters for the assessment of compost quality, salt- and heavy metal contents tend to be the limiting ones. Many countries include maximum tolerable heavy metal contents in their regulations for the application of compost. The salt concentration is another important parameter for the appropiate use of compost, especially in regions with aride clima. In particular, compost derived from municipal solid waste shows significantly higher contents of heavy metals and salts, limiting the range of their application as a fertilizer. Experiences show, that compost that was kept uncovered during the composting process had lower salt contents than compost derived from covered processes, as the precipitation leached out more of the salts. As the ISKA® Percolation process also bases on leaching processes, lower salt contents in the produced compost can be expected. It can be assumed, that heavy metals contents can also be lowered in this process due to leaching processes and the extraction of a fines and mineral fraction, to which heavy metals are attached.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: ORBIT 2003 (Mai 2003)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Heike Santen
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