European Market Development - Solid Recovered Fuel from MBT plants

This paper reviews the growth in volume and liquidity of the European market for Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) and discusses the development of SRF as a tradable commodity. It considers the drivers and barriers that are in place and describes the potential opportunities and threats for this method of managing waste and generating energy. When considering the production of products (as opposed to disposing of waste) it is important to understand the needs of the customer; In this respect SRF production is no different.

If SRF/RDF production is to make a significant contribution to increasing the material resource efficiency of the economies of Europe it will be necessary to meet the needs of users, and demonstrate that these kinds of substitute fuels can achieve the correct technical and economic performance. SRF produced by MBT processes is not exempt from this basic economic reality. The paper describes the use of SRF from a fuel user’s perspective including an evaluation of an SRF-fuelled power project. Keywords SRF, RDF, Solid Recovered Fuel, Refuse Derived Fuel, MBT

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: MBT 2005 (November 2005)
Seiten: 13
Preis: € 6,50
Autor: Craig Ibbetson
John Chappell
Dr. Kurt Wengenroth
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