Biogas production from substrates with high amounts of organic nitrogen

Using substrates with a high content of organic nitrogen, such as poultry excrements, the fermentation process may be problematic, because of the high ammonium concentration produced during the anaerobic degradation. Furthermore, due to the BSE-crisis, new economical and ecological solutions for the treatment of animal by-products are required. The established production of animal meal and animal fat in the existing rendering plants with the subsequent incineration of these products is uneconomic.

The alternative recycling concept is based on the process of Thermal Pressure Hydrolysis (TPH) including an anaerobic digestion. The process of TPH results in a splitting of the organic polymers by hydrolysis at higher pressure and temperatures in a special reactor with the guarantee of a complete disinfection. The TPHProcess allows an energy recovery from animal by-products.
Keywords: anaerobic digestion, animal by-products, biogas
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings. 10th World Congress – Anaerobic Digestion 2004, Anaerobic Bioconversion for Sustainability, August 29th to September 2nd 2004, Montreal (Canada)

Copyright: © OTH Amberg-Weiden
Quelle: Veröffentlichungen 2004 (August 2005)
Seiten: 4
Preis: € 2,00
Autor: Prof. Dr. Stephan Prechtl
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Faulstich
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