Investigations to characterize the gasphase in waste landfills - doctoral dissertation extended summary

The presented theses deals with landfill gas, the most important cause for air pollution at landfills. The expression “landfill gas” is used for all gases which are produced in a landfill either through microbial degradation or by converting of waste from the solid or liquid phase to the gas phase.

Landfill gas belongs to the biogases. Biogas is a mixture of various gases which are produced during anaerobic processes and consists mainly of methane and carbon dioxide in a ratio by volume of appr. 2 to 1. Because of various influences to the environment, landfill gas has to be collected and disposed off safely. To control this process and to examine its efficiency various measurements have to be carried out. By doing this it was often seen that the composition of the gas phase in the landfill varies quite much. However in the application at landfills it is common to conclude from these results strategies for the assessment and observation of landfills and for the designing, operation and control of the gas collection system. Therefore it would be quite helpful for landfill gas operators to find a method for interpretation of those datas coming from measurements of the gas phase.

Copyright: © Verlag Abfall aktuell
Quelle: Professor Dr.-Ing. Rettenberger (Februar 2005)
Seiten: 11
Preis: € 5,50
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing Gerhard Rettenberger
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