Assessing the Raw Material Availability in the Circular Economy of Lithium-Ion Traction Batteries

Political efforts at the federal and European level are directed against climate change. Industries with high pollutant emissions are coming under increasing regulatory pressure due to stricter provisions in legislation. These regulations are a major driver for the increasing degree of electrification in the vehicle market (Pischinger & Seiffert 2016, Korthauer 2013). By using renewable energy sources to generate electricity, road transport can not only be locally emission free, but also without the consumption of fossil raw materials.

The continuous increase in the market share of electrified vehicles is creating new challenges for society. Securing the raw material value chains for battery production materials such as cobalt, lithium, manganese, and nickel, is therefore a major challenge - be it for politics, the economy, but also for the user of electric vehicles. It is necessary for decision makers to be able to make well-founded decisions based on dynamic material flow models. The simulation model presented below, based on the System Dynamic approach, simulates, calculates, analyzes, and evaluates the raw material requirements and availability for Europe, taking into account various influencing factors such as scenarios, technology roadmaps, battery technologies, vehicle classes or powertrains up to the year 2050 and enables such well-founded decision support.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Recy & Depotech 2022 (November 2022)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 3,00
Autor: Mathias Nippraschk
Prof. Dr. Daniel Goldmann
R. Dauer
C. Minke
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