Emission reduction in the energetic utilization of agricultural residues - combined reduction of PM and NOx

Biogenic residues offer a great potential for future climate-friendly energy supply. Compared with natural wood fuels the combustion of these residues causes relatively high emissions.

Therefore a method for simultaneous reduction of PM and NO<sub>x</sub> in decentral combustion plants (< 1 MWth) was developed. The emission reduction system consistsof a filter equipped with a catalytically coated fabric material and a feeding system for a reducing agent. This allows the combination of dust removal and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO<sub>x</sub> in one apparatus. Experiments at a 120 kW pilot plant with Wood chips and non-woody biomass pellets show significant reduction of PM and NO<sub>x</sub>.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste to Resources 2017 (Mai 2017)
Seiten: 14
Preis: € 7,00
Autor: Dipl.-Uwt. Mario König
Dr. Ingo Hartmann
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Mirjam Matthes
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