The new European Waste Catalogue and the POPs

The European Waste Catalogue (EWC) provides a common system of waste classification in accordance with the waste law throughout the EU, with the purpose to improve the efficiency of waste management activities.

The individual codes within the EWC classify the various waste types. Hazardous properties are enumerated in accordance to measurable danger and are also assigned to waste materials if the hazard characteristics apply. The waste code number is an essential element for transporting waste while observing the waste law, installation’s permits (which are usually granted for theprocessing of specific waste codes) as well as the recyclability of the waste or as a Basis for waste statistics. In accordance with the EU decision 2000/532/EU, the List of Waste was updated in 2016 on the basis of new knowledge and, in particular, of research

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste to Resources 2017 (Mai 2017)
Seiten: 8
Preis: € 4,00
Autor: Dr. Dipl.-Chem. Beate Kummer
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