The commercial waste market in Germany until 2025

This article analyzes the status quo and the future development of the market for Commercial waste in Germany.

The focus is put on mixed commercial waste and its future disposal until 2025, whereby the effects of the amendment of the Commercial Waste Ordinance will be analyzed among others. A slight shift of material flows towards material recycling is to be expected, however the effects will be minor since a significant increase of the recycling quota would be quite difficult to achieve in practice and in addition associated with high costs.In general it is to be expected that the waste disposal systems in Germany will achieve a high level of utilization over the next years, therefore it is also to be expected that the prices for the disposal of commercial waste will also remain on a high level.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste to Resources 2017 (Mai 2017)
Seiten: 8
Preis: € 4,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ökonom Jens Gatena
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