Improved Eco-Design of Lithium-Ion Battery Packs for Simplifying the Recycling Process

Due to the increasing numbers of lithium-ion batteries in electric cars as well as in electric and electronic equipment, the design and recycling of batteries is gaining increasing importance. This fact demands for an efficient and holistic battery concept as well as a future concept for recycling and treatment.

Based on the results of the research projects LIBRES and VECEPT, the projecte MPROVE focuses on the improvement of different parts, processes and the framework of electrified vehicles. The overall target of the project is to reduce the costs while increasing the energy efficiency and the mass producibility. Therefore the consortium works on the whole value chain and life cycle of electrified vehicles. Two demonstrators - first, a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle and second, a lithium-ion battery - will be developed in the project.

Two main topics of the project will be examined in detail: The eco-design and the recycling of traction lithium-ion batteries. In this article the research questions and planned activities should be highlighted and the main challenges of future battery recycling discussed.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Recy & Depotech 2016 (November 2016)
Seiten: 4
Preis: € 2,00
Autor: Mag. Therese Schwarz
Bettina Rutrecht
Alexander Curtis
P. Handel
J. Worschech
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