Resource Efficiency in the German Steel Industry

Recovery and recycling of metals from residues is important for protecting our natural resources. Therefore we identified approaches for the utilization of residues of the German steel industry to improve resource efficiency. The study focuses on the residues blast furnace sludge, basic oxygen
furnace dust/sludge and electric arc furnace (EAF) dust. The objective of the study was to find further, more efficient connections between process chains.

Steelmaking in Germany takes place in integrated steel plants. The process chain covered in this study comprises sintering, hot metal production in blast furnaces, crude steel production with basic oxygen furnaces, and forming, which comprises continuous casting and rolling mills. Steel making in electric arc furnaces is included in the process stage of crude steel production. We used results from material flow analysis to illustrate and analyze specific output flows of residues throughout this process chain. Different kinds of recycling were defined for material flows. Closed-loop recycling means the recycling of residues into the original process or into another process of the process chain. Open-loop recycling means the utilization of residues in processesof other industries (not within the original process chain). Therefore open-loop recycling connectsindustries and companies with one another. In Germany a major open-loop recycling method of the steel industry is the external processing of residues to recover zinc and other elements. For this the OxyCup-process, the DK-process and the Waelzprocess are established. Alternative processes are the Inmetco process and the Primus process.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2014 (November 2014)
Seiten: 1
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Alto Mayer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Deike
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