The Biobattery - Integrated Heat and Power Generation from Biomass Residues and Waste -

In the light of rising energy costs and ongoing discussions concerning climate and resource protection, the use of bio-waste can no longer solely be focused on the production of compost. Modern emerging technologies show the capability to make use of these resources as feedstock, both for material and energy production. Recent years have already seen the integration of anaerobic digestion units at multiple existing compost plants to exploit this potential. A further benefit of the on-site production of energy is that it largely increases the self-sustainability of the whole facility in terms of heat and power, thereby lowering costs.

In comparison to the food competitive energy crops, energy production from biowaste is not only widely accepted, but also seen as an opportunity to deal with partially problematic waste streams. It is estimated that in Germany alone 4 million tons of bio waste arise per year - excluding cuttings. About half of this amount is collected as a dedicated and separated waste fraction. The about one hundred German bio-waste digestion plants, produce approximately 1.3 million tons of digestate from this feedstock, producing a power output of around 85 MW.

However the large spread in dedicated bio-waste fraction amounts collected per capita in Germany varies dependent on the region between 32 kilograms per person per year to 152 kilograms per person per year. This is largely due to the fact that only half of Germany’s population is connected to a dedicated compost collection system. There is therefore significant opportunity to increase the overall collected amount nationwide. In accordance with the German law on life-cycle management to connect all households to such a bio-waste collection system by 2015, it is estimated that the bio-waste amounts collected could increase by about two million tons per year to a total of four million tons per year. Digestate is mainly used agriculturally and will increase significantly in the wake of these regulatory changes. The number of bio-waste digestion plants are predicted to increase by 220 plants to a total amount of more than 300 plants to deal with the amounts.

Copyright: © TK Verlag - Fachverlag für Kreislaufwirtschaft
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 4 (November 2014)
Seiten: 7
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Hon. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Franke
Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Fabian Stenzel
Dipl.-Ing. Samir Binder
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hornung
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