Sorption Experiments with Monochlorobenzene

The project deals with the behavior of chlorobenzene in the soil-groundwater system of the industrial park in Frankfurt Höchst (IPH). Chlorobenzenes have been and are used as industrial solvents, pesticides, non-conductive fluids, deodorants, and chemical intermediates.

Chlorobenzene or chlorinated benzene compounds in the soil and the groundwater may occur due to their extensive use over many decades. So a first thesis of this subject ("Das Schadeinheitenmodell zur Identifikation und Bewertung von Standorten mit schädlichen Bodenveränderungen am Beispiel Industriepark Höchst", Brans 2008), showed that chlorobenzene represents the most important contaminant regarding the ground pollution in the IPH. Former the HOECHST AG treated chlorbenzene residues as production residues and production decline and they were de-posited in certain sections of the Höchst area.
The IPH is secured by several fountains along the banks of the river Main, which pump out groundwater that is contaminated with chlorobenzene. They clean it in a biological clarification plant before entering the river Main.
The current work should show whether there are efficient, cost effective and actionable remediation alternatives to the now operated pump-and-treat action.
In laboratory we organize batch and column experiments with monochlorobenzene. The results of the batch and column tests will be presented on the distribution coefficient (KD-value) and will be compared to each other.
Then possible remedial alternatives for the contaminated industrial site could be established which can support the pump-and-treat procedures, taking in account the sorption and desorption behavior of chlorobenzenes in the soil. For example the obtained parameters should help to demonstrate the applicability of methods such as the enhanced natural attenuation (ENA).

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2012 (November 2012)
Seiten: 2
Preis: € 1,00
Autor: Christian Felten
Prof. Dr. habil. Stefan A. Gäth
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