From Waste to Resource - Saubermacher Research Facility

Last decade’s developments in the legal, economic and technical fields didn’t stop at waste technology. Changes in the legal framework of waste management lead to on-going development, whereas further development still will not be able to reach its full potential. Even against the background of the ever increasing prices of energy and raw materials, the considerate exploitation of resources is gaining importance not only with regards to environmental protection but also from the economic point of view.

Feedstock recycling of various materials plays an important in terms of saving primary raw materials and natural deposits. The energy input for producing secondary raw materials (recycling) falls well below the input you need to produce primary raw material. The European Union’s (2008/98/EG) guideline for waste management, revised in 2008, which defines the legal framework of European waste management was a part of Austrian national law since February 2011 and will define the development of waste technology in the future. The extension of the previous three-step waste hierarchy to a five-step hierarchy illustrates the significance of the feedstock recycling of waste.
Therefore new ways demand innovative treatment processes which will be groundbreaking for waste technology in the future. "From waste technology to resource technology" is the motto of Saubermacher. Their aim is to increase feedstock recovery by moving more towards recycling in the future. A big step in this direction was made with the opening of the Saubermacher research facility in Graz in April 2012. The research plant is a combination of a laboratory-scale and production-scale facility and provides the possibility of dealing with the issues of waste recovery on a technical/scientific basis independent of production. It serves as a research facility for new recovery techniques in connection with non-hazardous waste.
Parts of the research project’s scientific consulting are sourced out. More detailed research in the fields of fines as well as questions on metallurgy shall take place at the University’s laboratories. In this respect Saubermacher cooperates with the Montanuniversitaet Leoben, working with the Chair of Waste Processing Technology and the Chair of Mineral Processing amongst others, as well as with other Austrian and foreign universities and technical colleges. Currently there are projects involving more than ten universities and technical collages in total.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2012 (November 2012)
Seiten: 4
Preis: € 2,00
Autor: Alexander Curtis
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