Re-Use Networks Realize 'Preparation for Reuseâ€

Due to the European waste framework Directive 2008/98/EC stakeholders in the area of waste management show interest in activities related to the preparation for re-use. Social integration enterprises, active in this field at local level, can be integrated to contribute to the goals of the directive.

Regional driven processes, already started in seven Austrian states, enable the further de-velopment of existing offerings. Cooperation between socio economic enterprises and stakeholders in the field of Waste management is a sustainable measure when preparing products for Re-Use. Re-Use of goods show contribution in all three dimensions of sustainable development:
- Re-using goods saves origin resources.
- Qualifying and integrating persons into the labour market helps to unburden public funds.
- Goods, that have been prepared for Re-Use fulfil distinctive quality criteria. These goods are sold in regional shops at fair prices.
Re-Use of goods at regional level can cause additional added value. The basic intention of Re-Use networks is the same in all states: The cooperation between economic enterprises and stakeholders in the field of Waste management. Anyhow we find distinctive approaches in each state depend on the situation of the partners involved. The interpretation of the role to be fulfilled varies form state to state on both sides even if the tasks that have to be worked out are the same: Collection and handover, transport and preparation, Sale and Coordination. The projects running in the states show the approaches to realise these tasks.
Re-Use is a chance for all involved organisations: Socio economic enterprises can open a new field of engagement and the stakeholders in the field of Waste management can realize the priority "preparation for reuse" of the waste framework directive.
In the year 2012 networks in seven states have already or have almost started operation. The experiences show, that the availability of goods is the more crucial factor than the question of sale. Like in all other innovations in the field of waste collection it is essential to inform the public in appropriate manner.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2012 (November 2012)
Seiten: 4
Preis: € 2,00
Autor: DI Markus Meissner
Dipl. Ing. Christian Pladerer
Gabriele Bernhofer
Matthias Neitsch
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