Improving the Gas Yield by Upgrading the Gas Collection System and Water Infiltration

It is often reported that a rapidly diminishing landfill gas production occurs. There may be many reasons caused by the degradation process, eg oxygen may influence the biocenosis or there is too little water content. A water infiltration could enhance the development of gas again. Just recently it is also clear that the gas collection itself is subject to aging and should be replaced by new system, or at least revised. Practical examples show a nearly 50 % increase in gas yields.

In order to achieve an improvement in the yield of gas, thus making the landfill ultimately produce fewer emissions, in principle, several solutions are possible:
- Improvement of waste disposal,
- Improving the gas collection and
- Intensification of degradation processes through the infiltration of water.

Technically, the concept of an improved landfill technology could be implemented as bioreactor landfill, as propagated in part. The waste will be deposited at this landfill in small portions only over a short period in order to subsequently operate the landfill as a reactor. In that case the metabolic products can be controlled very effectily.
Whether this technology is effective to control the gaseous emissions in the operational phase is not yet proven. In any case, it is clear that an optimum gas capture can only be achieved if the technical means are used to optimize the targeted release of the gases.
The improvement in gas yield can be achieved if older systems be amended, revised or replaced by new ones.
In the case of the landfill Außernzell in an older section horizontal gas collectors had been subsequently introduced. This led to a significant increase of the discharged gas volume flow.
In the case of the revision of the existing landfill gas collection system at the landfill Mechernich caused by the construction of new gas wells the increase of the captured gas stream was by 50 %.
The entry of leachate has now been implemented at several landfills. At the landfill Hall / Lochau, leachate infiltration into trenches as a part of bigger infiltration fields of the waste disposal site, this technique has been successfully operated for several years.
The change in the gas yield after running for about a year was different as compared to unaffected areas by about 30 %.
This shows that in particular the revision of the gas collection system has the best effect to improve the gas yield.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2012 (November 2012)
Seiten: 4
Preis: € 2,00
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing Gerhard Rettenberger
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