Industrial Pellet from Logging Residues and Other Woody Waste Products

The European Union decided in its Directive on the Promotion of the Use of Energy from Re-newable Sources to cover at least a 20 % share of energy from renewable sources in the Com-munity’s gross final consumption of energy in 2020. Among the renewable sources solid bio-mass plays the most important role. This leads towards a growing demand of machines and systems for the preparation of woody biomass fuels. The Komptech GmbH is developing such solutions.

The aim of the project was to produce an industrial pellet out of alternative materials from solid biomass. Thus the share of the gained biomass fuel from the input material should be raised against the falling share of material left for composting. By means of a technical trial the feasibility of a proposed treatment process should be verified. The purpose of the industrial pel-let is its use in incineration plants from 100 kW up to 100 MW like co-firing coal power plants.
The ash content in solid biomass is responsible for the wear in the pellet and briquette mills. For the trial the undersize of logging residues was chosen because it is easily available and shows a moderate ash content. The multistage treatment process was not available at one site. So a cooperation with the following enterprises was established: Naturgut GmbH, Andritz AG, Danish Technological Institute, KWB Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH and KCO Cogen-eration and Bioenergy GmbH.
The chosen feedstock was the 0 - 20 mm screen fraction out of a shredded biomass fuel made from logging residues. Originally the fraction was intended for composting. The material was screened again at 9 mm by means of the star screen technology because there is a correla-tion of the grain size fraction with the ash content. The lower the grain size the higher the ash content. The 9 - 20 mm fraction showed an ash content of 8 %. Within a belt dryer this fraction was dried from 50 % dry substance towards 90 %. Industrial pellets and briquettes were pro-duced. The pellets were incinerated in test plants to analyse their combustion behavior. Com-pared with conventional pellets the industrial pellets showed an elevated NOx emission as well as an increased ash production. In general the combustion was successful. Despite the visible needle content had given reason to expect difficulties regarding the ash melting behavior and the SO2 and Cl emissions there were no problems detectable.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2012 (November 2012)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 3,00
Autor: Mag. Dr. Martin Wellacher
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