Material stream specific conversion of disposal plants Example of a further development of the MBT Association of the ZAK

The changing frame conditions in waste management caused the ZAK as operator of one of the first plants with mechanical biological residual waste treatment - grown from single units - to look for solutions dealing with increasing specific costs at a simultaneous preservation of values and the fulfilment of social and ecological standards. An alternative to a possible shutdown or an unchanged continuance of the status quo appeared to be a good chance for an alternative use of the network of plants into biological biowaste treatment plant in the frame of an inter-communal cooperation project with cluster formation in waste management. During the realisation existing plants were for the second time subject to a conversion of use type and hereby the waste management centre sharpens its profile of a competence centre for biomass.

The ZAK centre waste management in Kaiserslautern, united municipal institute of the town and rural district (ZAK), perceives the task of the public disposal carrier for round 250.000 inhabitants regarding treatment, transport, utilization and removal of urban solid wastes from and collection of problem wastes and electric devices. Another task is the management of the waste management centre Kaiserslautern-Mehlingen and the landfill in Kapiteltal of a size of ca. 88 hectare.
This waste management centre comprises today the landfill Kapiteltal, a mechanical biological waste treatment plant, which is composed of a VM Press unit, a DRANCO digestion plant, a box composting plant and a post-decomposition area with exhaust air treatment plant, a biomass power plant, a greenwaste composting plant, a biowaste composting plant, a used wood treatment plant, a treatment plant for biogenic wastes, a recycling plant, an acceptance point for hazardous wastes with intermediate storage.
Even when today the classic demands for a public waste management authority are in main focus more and more the approaches are in the focus according to which ZAK will become a user of resources and generator of energy. The ZAK combines these demands under the keywords 'save, ecologically viable, efficient†explaining herewith that it is its task, independent from the actual market and economic conditions and trends to generate an secure disposal as a means of public interest for a developed civilization under consideration of special quality demands regarding the ecological significance of the disposal efficiency and a responsible and economical behaviour with public means and values.
Therefore the task of the ZAK is not only to make waste disposal safe, efficient and ecologically viable, but also to keep waste fees on an appropriate and legally proper level.
Hereby the ZAK operates in a special stress field as the depreciation needs for the investments undertaken and the long enduring residual use of the plants will influence the economical figures of the ZAK for a long time.

Copyright: © Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffspezifische Abfallbehandlung ASA e.V.
Quelle: 9. Recyclingtage 2012 (September 2012)
Seiten: 13
Preis: € 6,50
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Jan B. Deubig
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