Optimisation Approaches at the Example of the MBT of South Lower Saxony

Within a short time since installation and start-up the MBT technology established on the waste treatment market. Initial 'teething problems†have been eliminated by technical innovations and adaptations. The mechanical biological waste treatment still has several areas left for optimisation. Listed are different examples which led to cost reductions and higher qualities based on the situation in the MBT South Lower Saxony. By means the lasting export of this technology an innovative further development of the process technique is given.

The first improvements were made with the introduction of the Technical Instructions on Municipal Waste (TA) as of 1993 for the future orientation of waste management in Germany. With a transitional period of 12 years the German legislator wanted to solve the problems, especially in waste disposal, by means of incineration technology all over Germany. Storage of biologically degradable municipal solid wastes which leads on landfills to long-lasting emissions of landfill gas and leachate should not be possible anymore. On account of this at beginning of 06/01/2005 not pre-treated municipal solid wastes couldn’t be landfilled further. This approach was not accepted on a national level and sol alternatives especially provided by the State of Lower Saxony have been proven and finally accepted as being equally efficient.
With the enforcement of a series of ordinances this way has been authorised. The mechanical biological waste treatment (MBT) should be a reasonable future alternative to the conventional waste incineration. As of the year 2001 the following provisions were adopted by the Federal Legislation: 
- Waste Storage Ordinance (AbfAbIV, 02/20/2001)
- 30. Federal Emissions Protection Act (BImSchV, 03/01/2001)
- Annex 23 of the Waste Water Administrative Regulation (AbwV, 2001)
The original main target for a treatment in the MBT was the generation of landfill fraction that could be landfilled in order to use still available capacities of the investmentintensive landfills for municipal solid waste.

Copyright: © Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffspezifische Abfallbehandlung ASA e.V.
Quelle: 9. Recyclingtage 2012 (September 2012)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Dipl. Ing. Michael Rakete
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