Oxygen Content in Natural Gas Infrastructure

Traces of oxygen may cause signifi cant damage to the natural gas infrastructure due to corrosion or the formation of (elemental) sulphur if oxygen-bearing gas reaches wet areas, e.g. as in natural gas storage facilities. The amendment of the Gasnetzzugangsverordnung (GasNZV), which became effective in April 2008, foresees the fraction of biogas in the natural gas grid increasing to 10 billion cubic metres per annum until 2030. By the injection of processed biogas, oxygen will be introduced into the natural gas infrastructure. Therefore it is necessary to limit the oxygen content to a very small amount at those injection points which may be within reach of such wet areas.

1. Introduction
2. DVGW Codes G 260 and G 263
3. EASEE-gas
4. Natural Gas in a Wet Environment when Stored Underground
5. Corrosion Tests
6. Oxygen Introduced by Biogas
7. Oxygen Reduction Methods
8. Conclusion

Copyright: © DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH
Quelle: GWF gas solutions International (August 2010)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 6,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Gronemann
Dr. Rüdiger Forster
Dipl.-Ing Joachim Wallbrecht
Dr.rer.nat. Hubertus Schlerkmann
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