Requierements on mobile anaerobic digestion units for long distance operations

Mobile anaerobic facilities could be introduced to refugee camps for disposing and simultaneously recycling faeces.Mobile anaerobic facilities principally have a broad spectrum of application that ranges from the treatment of faeces and bio waste in refugee camps to the recycling of temporarily produced agricultural organic waste.

War-like disputes, famine and natural catastrophes lead to the march of refugees. Most of the time the decision to settle down in a more or less adequate spot is met with spontaneously. Inspite of these tentative camps being supervised by aid organisations, these locations are often subject to degrading conditions. One of the main problems at refugee camps is the hygenic disposal of faeces and organic waste. The proper disposal of this waste is one of the main requirements for the prevention of diseases. One group is concerned with mobile and modular anaerobic facilities for the disposal of faeces and the simultaneous utilization of biogas at refugee camps. One group of co-workers is concerned with mobile and modular anaerobic facilities for the disposal of faeces and the simultaneous utilization of biogas at refugee camps. In 2003 there approx. 2,4 million peope in 267 refugee camps. Their hygienic conditions were depressing. This often resulted from inadequately explained instructions on the disposal of faeces and organic waste. On the other hand the minimum requirement of water and fuel are big problems. Mobile anaerobic facilities could contribute to improving the situation. For this scientific questions on remote controlling and shortening the starting up phase as well as adapting to the present state of technology are necessary for this application. The project ties up to the concept of modularity for
holding out assistance of UNHCR Government Service Packages.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2008 (Oktober 2008)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 9,00
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