Mechanical-biological treatment as a strategically project for the social and environmental development

Through the experiences of different countries, notably Chile, Haiti and Brazil, the using of the Mechanical Biological Treatment of residues was projected involving a series of components directed to the development and improvement of the life quality for the populations. The application of the MBT, as a solution for a parcel of the urban residues, is carried through by technical and holistic elements, where the economic, social and environmental aspects are equated in an integrated proposal of handling and treatment. The concept of valuation of residues is extended to beyond the productive activities, including pedagogical activities, territorial organization, environmental protection and social inclusion.

Waste treatment, social and environmental development, emissions reduction, environmental education

1 Summary
2 Technical introduction of MBT
3 Mechanical and biological treatment products
4 MBT: social development and environmental protection
5 Individual Projects Overview
5.1 Chile
5.2 Haiti
6 Conclusion

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste-to-Resources 2009 (Mai 2009)
Seiten: 9
Preis: € 4,50
Autor: Christiane Dias Pereira
Wolfgang Tonges
Letícia Tavares Theotonio
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