Wood ash to improve composts and fertilizers

Wood ashes are increasingly produced from biomass incineration plants. Their nutrient and micronutrient contents on the one side and their contents of pollutants like heavy metals on the other side are challenging for producing intelligent fertilizers or soil conditioners.

The aim of this research was to find a way to return wood ash from biomass incineration plants into the natural cycle of matter. For this experiment 3 composts were produced with similar input from source separated organic waste but different ash amendment (with 0%, 8% and 16% ash content). The maturation of the composts was monitored by measuring C/N-ratio, microbial biomass, microbial activity and also through plant growth tests. The mature compost was tested for electrical conductivity and pH. The same parameters were used to analyse the soils of an  in situ recultivation experiment at the skiing area Mutterer Alm near Innsbruck, Austria. The three mature composts were compared to a mineral and organic fertilizer treatment. Results are promising. All composts fulfil the requirement of the Austrian Compost Ordinance (Compost Quality A or even A+). In the field, best plant growth was obtained from the compost amended plots, even when compared to organic fertilizers. Respiration measurements indicate a better performance of composts amended with 8 or 16% ash as compared to compost that did not contain ash.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Venice Conference 2006 (November 2006)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 6,00
Autor: H. Insam
T. Kuba
A. Tschöll
C. Partl
K. Meyer
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