Preface International 7th ASA Waste Days

Ladies and Gentlemen
Let me welcome you to the International 7th ASA Waste Days here in Hanover. It is also my pleasure to welcome guests from abroad who set out on the long trip to Hanover.

It is exactly two years since Mr. Schmalz, a former department chief of the Environmental Ministry for Emission Protection, Closed Loop Waste Management from Lower Saxony, started his welcome presentation with the words: This is the year of the 6th ASA Waste Days and we hope that in two years we will not have to say: the "seven-year itch" of the ASA Waste Days. In a special way this sentence reflected the difficult situation of the last two years. Already before the start-up of their plants some plant operators were confronted with the bankruptcy of their plant manufacturers. Most of the Mechanical-Biological Treatment Plants (MBT), Mechanical-Biological Stabilisation Plants (MBS) and Mechanical-Physical Stabilisation Plants (MPS) started operation of their plants on 1st of June 2005!

Copyright: © Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffspezifische Abfallbehandlung ASA e.V.
Quelle: Abfalltage 2008 (Februar 2008)
Seiten: 3
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Thomas Grundmann
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