Following introduction of separate collection of recyclable materials, particularly light weight packaging, collection systems have changed several times. This is due on one hand to the fact that, in contrast to paper recycling, the recycling of plastics is not a simple issue. Many different types of plastics are present on the market and in order to achieve a suitable product destined for further use which meets established economical criteria, these often cannot be recycled together. On the other hand, subsequent to implementation of the landfill ordinance, the application of mechanical biological or thermal treatment of residual waste has become obligatory. Therefore, plastic waste previously obtained by means of separate collection which was not suitable for material recycling but was used as fuel, today may likely remain in the mixed residual waste to
be used for thermal recovery.

The present paper describes an Austrian case study performed to assess the effect of different types of collection of light weight packaging on the amount of residual waste as well as on specific collection rate. To this end detailed waste sorting analyses were carried out. Four different collection systems for light weight packaging were distinguished. The paper discusses in detail the increase (in percent of mass and volume) of plastic in the residual waste following collection of plastic bottles alone. In regions providing for collection of plastic bottles the portion of total plastic within the residual waste exceeds 16 mass-percent. Plastic fraction is responsible for approx. half the volume of residual waste in regions performing plastic bottle collection. This leads to bottlenecks in the collection bins. Households complain of overfilled collection bins or of having to use larger containers.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session D (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 9
Preis: € 9,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Gudrun Obersteiner
Dipl.-Ing. Felicitas Schneider
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