Deposit of municipal solid waste is until present time most common used disposal form. In developing countries, more than 50 % of municipal solid waste is not disposed of in an environmental friendly way. This leads to significant environmental pollution. For instance, the 1,5 million residents of Cambodian's capital Phnom Penh dispose ca. 90 % of their municipal solid waste untreated on a dumping site (Hädrich, 2005) and in Thailand, around 43 % of disposal facilities of provincial towns are dumping sites. This number arises up to 96 % relating to municipalities. These deposits lead to emissions, mainly discharged over gas and leachate path. However, most emissions are transboundary.

Deposit of municipal solid waste is currently most common used disposal form. In developing countries, more than 50 % of municipal solid waste is not disposed of in an environmental friendly way. In contrast, a series of technical concepts for environmental friendly disposal were developed and implemented in Germany, known as multibarrier system. A standardised decision guidance analysing the protective potential of different landfill concepts subject to economical and technical efforts should support the choice of suitable landfill concept, especial for low and middle income countries. The decision guidance development based on the idea of the multibarrier thought. Furthermore, it depends on the principle, that each barrier has a specific protective potential, but in contrast a specific economical and technical effort is necessary to achieve it. The intention is to go from basic fundamental data to indexes and further to a fuzzy system, that should support the assessment of diverse developed landfill concepts.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session C (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 9
Preis: € 9,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Gunnar Hädrich
Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Werner Bidlingmaier

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