With the fast economic development and urbanization tendency, the municipal solid waste (MSW) generation increases dramatically in China. The amount of MSW collection reached 155.09×106 tons in 2004 from 67.67 ×106 tons in 1990 (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2005). Traditionally the disposal method is landfilling or dumping unsafely in some suburbs or rural areas, whose storage amounts to more than 6 billion tons and results in more than 200 cities surrounding with MSW. Just in the year of 2005, the amount of MSW dumped unsafely in the whole country amounted to 75.26×106tons as reported by China Construction Department (China Construction Department, 2006). Lots of land has been occupied and water and soil were polluted. To dispose MSW has become a serious social problem in China. (Session A9: Waste recycling (I))

Fresh municipal solid wastes (MSW) and aged MSW including MSW from landfills and dumpsite have been characterized and compared by their components, moisture content and lower heat value (LHV) in order to recycle and dispose them properly. Firstly the characterizing experiments were performed and the results showed that generally the fresh MSW are of high moisture contents and their LHV is below 6500kJ/kg; and when 40% of plastics were separated, their LHV is less than 5000kJ/kg. Combustibles in aged MSW were easily to be separated and their LHV is higher than 11000kJ/kg as just separated. Analysis of aged MSW of different years’ old showed that as MSW became older the moisture and paper contents decreased. No leachate produced from aged MSW during the analysis and separation process. For both fresh MSW and aged MSW the main contributor to LHV is plastics. Secondly a simple separating system consisting of a roller screen and a winnower is used to separate plastics from fresh MSW and aged MSW, and the quality of plastics were compared by their physical parameters after made into pellets; the results showed that plastics from fresh MSW can be recycled as raw material for secondary product; while plastics separated from aged MSW are of lower quality and only suitable to be recycled as fuel material. Finally different recycling methods were suggested for fresh and aged MSWs based on their characteristics.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: General Session A (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: Yanji Li
D. Chen
W. Cui
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