The Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC (European Council 1999) requires the progressive diversion of biodegradable municipal waste (BMW) from landfill in order to reduce fugitive emissions of CH4 from landfills. The Environment Agency estimates that for England alone the amount of BMW landfilled in 2001/2 was 15 million tonnes and this will need to be reduced to 5.22 million tonnes in 2020. Waste Disposal Authorities (WDAs) within the U.K. have been set typically decreasing allowances for landfilling BMW under national Landfill Allowance Schemes (Defra 2006). It is clear that Waste Disposal Authorities need to develop and implement strategies to treat an increasing amount of biodegradable municipal waste and to utilise the residues in ways that minimise environmental impact. (Session A5: Waste characterisation)

As part of a Defra sponsored project (WRT220), approximately 40 biodegradable wastes were characterised according to biodegradability (DR4 and BM100), total PTE content, C:N ratio and biochemical composition. Two leaching tests were employed; upflow percolation test and a one step LS10 test; eluates were analysed for TOC, pH, electrical conductivity, PTEs and a range of cations and anions. This paper contains a limited set of data for a selection of untreated and treated waste types representing four waste treatment processes (composting, MBT, MHT, anaerobic digestion). The DR4 and BM100 tests were found to be appropriate for a wide range of waste types but where possible they should be used in conjunction with other related tests. Longer-term MBT composting processes appeared to produce compost material with reduced ammonium concentrations and extractability of some PTEs. Carbon content (carbon analyzer - LECO) could be estimated as C = LOI/1.9 which is a routine operation. N LECO values were approximately 12% greater than the equivalent N Kjeldahl values.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: General Session A (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 11
Preis: € 11,00
Autor: Andrew R. Godley
Jim Frederickson
Kathy Lewin
Richard Smith
Nick Blakey
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