Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for waste management plans - case studies in Austria

SEA stands for Strategic Environmental Assessment and is a process to ensure that significant environmental effects arising from policies, plans and programmes are identified, assessed, mitigated, communicated to decision-makers, monitored and that opportunities for public involvement are provided. So SEA is also an instrument for integrating environmental aspects into waste management policies, plans and programmes. Environmental mediation contributes to the resolution of conflicts with environmental relevant projects by negotiations amongst the concerned parties. So SEA has become an important instrument to help to achieve sustainable development in public planning and policy making. (Session A2: Waste management strategies)

In the case of Vienna, the Austrian province Salzburg and Vorarlberg, a SEA process was applied while the waste management plans were under development. A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is in generally a process to ensure that significant environmental effects arising from policies, plans and programmes are identified, assessed, mitigated, communicated to decision-makers, monitored and that opportunities for public involvement are provided. The mandatory element of a SEA process is the participation. SEA can be applied to formulated plans and programs as well as to plans and program in the preparatory phase. The aim of SEA is to identify the 'best†solution for the region. Thus the environmental report from the SEA will serve as a basis to formulate the waste management plan. This paper describes the SEA process of three waste management plans in Austria.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: General Session A (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: Dipl. Ing. Christian Pladerer
DI Markus Meissner
Manfred Koblmüller
Georg Tappeiner
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