Marine CO2-Entnahmetechniken im deutschen Recht

Der Weltklimarat (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC) hat in seinem kürzlich veröffentlichten 6. Sachstandsbericht festgestellt, dass '[g]lobal warming of 1.5°C and 2°C will be exceeded during the 21st century unless deep reductions in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions occur in the coming decadesâ€

This article examines Germany’s regulation of ocean-based negative emissions technologies and demonstrates the legislature’s domestic implementation of the London Protocol and its 2013 amendment on 'marine geoengineering.†This article notes that the German legislature has deviated from the regulatory approach of the 2013 amendment, adopting even stricter requirements to be applied in the context of negative emissions technologies in German waters. In doing so, it provides a comprehensive analysis of the classification, exceptions and permit procedure (potentially) applicable in the case of specific carbon removal activities, including ocean fertilization, artificial up welling, and seaweed cultivation. By providing a timely examination of the overlap and nuances involved in Germany’s domestic regulation of ocean-based negative emissions technologies, the article stresses that a complete understanding of the different applicable domestic Acts is necessary for an accurate evaluation of the legality of any particular carbon dioxide removal activity.

Copyright: © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Quelle: EurUp 03/2022 (September 2022)
Seiten: 12
Preis: € 32,00
Autor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Proelß
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