Disposal of biogenic fractions in the PR of China

In recent years, China has taken huge steps towards a sustainable waste management.

However, especially the organic fraction continues to cause several problems: For once, the biogenic fraction still is number one emitter of greenhouse gases as well as it might cause leachates from landfill sites and problems during thermal treatment. Another problem is its large quantity and high water content. Larger cities in China produce between1,000 and 20,000 tons of municipal waste every day. On average, this waste contains more than 60 % biogenic waste. These biogenic wastes - in China mainly kitchen waste - have a high water content and thus increase the overall municipal waste’s water content to about 60 %. Therefore, the separate collection and use of the biogenic waste is a major goal of the central and municipal policy in China. In order to enhance the collection and treatment of the biogenic waste, China still faces many challenges: At first, suit-able treatment procedures must be established as well as appropriate locations for the treatment plants need be chosen. However, this location search is often difficult. Furthermore, the PRC has to develop quality criteria for the final productsof the treatment procedures and their use. Especially, restaurant waste requires immediate action. MBA technologies might hereby be useful for the treatment of the residual fraction of the organic waste.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste to Resources 2017 (Mai 2017)
Seiten: 17
Preis: € 8,50
Autor: Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles
Astrid Lemke
Dr. Gert Morscheck
Dr.-Ing. Abdallah Nassour
Dr. Andrea Schüch
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