Greenhouse gas Monitoring for optimization of process Efficiency of Biogas plants

Within the research project "KLIMONEFF" modern optical remote sensing (ORS) technology is applied as aninnovative approach to detect methane losses of diverse parts of biogas facilities in order to reduce their greenhouse gas(GHG) losses and optimize their energy efficiency. An Austrian biogas plant has, therefore, been selected to quantifythe GHG emissions of the entire plant but also methane losses (methane loads) from various plant components for therepresentative period of one year.

Within this period, meteorological variations as well as plant-specific and operationspecificchanges (from daily to seasonal) will be considered. In parallel a monitoring-tool to quantify particularly themethane losses will be developed. Based on the actually measured data recommendations for future technologicaldevelopment and improvements of biogas plants will be given.The emission rates are quantified using the Lagrangian particle dispersion model LASAT (Lagrangian Simulation ofAerosol-Transport). Continuous meteorological measurements with a 3D ultrasonic anemometer provide the necessarywind and turbulence parameters for the dispersion model. Controlled tracer gas tests at five representative biogas plantswill be used to constrain the dispersion model.The outcome of the research project "KLIMONEFF" will provide a monitoring and (quality) management tool forbiogas plants as well as a better decision basis for the optimization of facilities and operation as well as politicalstrategicaldevelopments within the framework of the Austrian energy and climate policy.First results have indicated varying CH4 emissions (based on path-integrated concentration data) from open digestatestorage tanks depending on the filling level, plant process efficiency as well as weather conditions. Also gas releasesfrom the overpressure safety device installed at the dry gas storage tank have been detected. Since most of the emissionswill vary strongly over time it is important to conduct long-term measurements in order to get representative estimates of the average emissions.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2012 (Juni 2012)
Seiten: 7
Preis: € 7,00
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Marion Huber-Humer
Marlies Hrad
Dr. Martin Piringer
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