Investigation into the microbial potential of digestion towers, using no co-substrates in their input material, to prospectively increase biogas yields at sewage treatment plants

In sewage treatment plants (STPs), the anaerobic fermentation of sludge primarily aims at hygienic stabilization and reduction of mass. Recently however, a great potential has been seen regarding the addition of co-substrates in anaerobic treatment plants to increase biogas yields. The aim of this project was to compare the biotic and abiotic characteristics of STPs using or not using co-substrates in their digestion towers.

Fermenter sludges from different reactors were sampled and physico-chemically analysed. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was conducted to obtain an initial impression of differences in the bacterial and methanogenic community composition. Finally, the adaption velocity of the microbial community and the quantitative methane potential of three different reactors were tested with an Automatic Methane Potential Test System (AMPTS) device, by using paracrystalline cellulose and a mixture of primary and surplus sludge as reference co-substrates. All reactors were operating stably. Co-substrate had a strong impact on bacterial community composition. The two reactors that received biowaste clustered separately from the other reactors. Their methanogenic communities were similar, with only 11% differences in community composition. AMPTS data revealed equal methane potentials in all reactor sludges. The adaption velocity was independent of whether or not the STP processed co-substrates. According to these results, microbial communities in STPs can easily and very quickly accommodate the introduction of co-substrates in a reactor, even if they have not been adapted to such an environment.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2014 (Juni 2014)
Seiten: 0
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Andreas Walter
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Michael Probst
Mag.Dr. Christian Ebner
H. Insam
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