Greenhouse gas balances in biowaste treatment concepts with focus on compost and energy production

The greenhouse (GHG) gas and energy performance of bio-waste treatment plants was investigated for characteristic bio-waste treatment concepts: composting, biological drying for the production of biomass fuel fractions, and anaerobic digestion. In contrast to other Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies the focus was put on the direct comparison of the latest process concepts and state of the art emission control measures. In addition the value of compost as a soil improver was included in the evaluation.

The study is based on data from operational facilities which are combined with literature data. To ensure a direct comparability the same quantity of waste (25,000 t bio-waste and 5,000 t green waste input per year) and composition have been modeled for all concepts concerned. The results show that all concepts contribute to a reduction of GHG emissions and show a positive balance for CED. Compared to other studies the advantage of anaerobic digestion compared to composting is smaller as a result of accounting the soil improving properties of compost. Still anaerobic digestion is the environmentally superior solution, due to the high energy conversion efficiency of biogas to electricity and heat.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2014 (Juni 2014)
Seiten: 0
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Müller
Maria Ortner
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Bockreis
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